Report on Workshop AI4HyDrop (February 7th, 2024)

05/29/2024 enrique puertas

Report on Workshop AI4HyDrop

This Workshop report presents the organization of the 1st workshop with the AI4HyDrop Advisory board members and relevant U-Space stakeholders. This event is part of WP2 Requirements and Holistic Conceptual Framework.

The workshop began with a plenary session introducing the AI-based Holistic Dynamic Framework for safe drone operations. It was followed by three separate sessions, each addressing different aspects of UAS (Unmanned Aerial System) integration into airspace. Each session was conducted twice to allow participants to engage with topics of their interest.

  • Session 1: Airspace Design for UAS Operations.  In this sessesion we discussed the design of airspace to accommodate UAS operations, including the structural aspects and considerations for UAS integration. Discussion points included fairness, priority in authorization systems, economic importance and network integration of vertiports, and the role of UTM (Unmanned Traffic Management) in assisting UAS flights. Participants raised questions about accessing airspace information in emergencies, deconfliction strategies, and the necessity for a common language in flight plan formats to ensure conformance monitoring during flight operations.
  • Session 2: Detection and Identification of Drones. This session covered the methods and technologies for detecting and identifying drones in restricted areas. Discussion highlights included the importance of timely detection, the need for additional parameters in drone type data for flight plans. The session also touched upon the challenges associated with drone detection and the best solutions identified for urban environments.
  • Session 3: AI Transformation in Flight Plan Authorization Processes. This session focused on how AI can transform the authorization processes of flight plans, emphasizing automation and efficiency. Discussion points involved the format of flight plans, airspace capacity considerations, deconfliction, and monitoring during flights. The session also explored the integration of various parameters for drone types into the flight plan data to enhance safety and operational efficiency.

Download here the full report